Suspension Bridge over Hudson River
at Riverside, NY
This bridge taking State Route 8 over the Hudson River at Riverside is not part of the railroad but it so dominates the hamlet and is so close to the station that I thought I would include it.
The first bridge was a wood and wire rope suspension bridge built in 1871 just as the railroad was being built. It was 300' long and 10' wide and must have been an amazing site as this type of bridge was almost unheard of in that time. Because of this there are many photos that were used as postcards.






Scale drawing of suspension bridge

The second bridge was built in 1919 on the north side of the old one which was removed in 1921. The stone footings remained until this second bridge was replaced in 2003.


2001 - you can see the old stone footing on the lower left

New bridge in 2003

All photos collection of Jon Patton