The Adirondack Branch
of the Delaware & Hudson Railroad
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Gilchrist's Suspension Bridge - 1997

  On September 8th, 1871, a local wealthy man named Robert Gilchrist had an opening day celebration for his suspension bridge across the Hudson River at Washburn's Eddy.  This happened to correspond with the first steam engine of the Adirondack Company reaching this point.  The bridge was 15' wide and 230' long.  It wasn't very well built though and heavy snow on April 1st, 1873 caused one of the anchors to give way.
  Evidence of the bridge and roadway approaching it can still be seen today. The old road leaves Harrington Road, crosses the railroad, then continues a short distance to two stone piers on the Hudson.  This photo is one of the piers.

Bridge Footings

Here is the remainder of the suspension cables

Jon Patton Photos