White's Siding - Corinth, NY
Located just north of the 9N grade crossing and south of Corinth, this siding was built in 1930 for White's Feed Store, #3 shown below on the map. It was 374' long and the building measured 18' x 100'. It later got expanded to its current length of about 1,500 feet. It may have also been used for a lumber yard.
The existing structures are part of a sand drying and loading facility. This operation is said to have made alot of noise when going. The small metal shed (#7) houses gears (#8) which I believe ran a conveyor. The large hinged steel panel on top of the wall (#5) probably tipped down to dump into rail cars. Any old photos or information on the operation of this facility would be greatly appreciated. It was last functioning back in the late 60's or early 70's.